Saturday, March 7, 2009

We've finally gotten Max's sleep schedule somewhat under control -- around 8:15-8:30pm we give him a late feeding in a darkened bedroom, with some lullaby music playing, and he's almost always bundled and asleep by 9pm. We use some cool little ghost lamps from IKEA as nightlights, which we also use to check on him while he's sleeping. They cast a fun glow on the room.

Sleeping with green lantern

Sleeping with green lantern

In loudest cry, in darkest night, no bedtime will escape my sight. Let those who worship waking's might, beware my power, green lantern's light.

And for those of you geeky enough to be following the run-up to the Darkest Night arc in the GL comics, here's a look at the power of the Blue Lanterns. Note how he's wheedling up closer & closer. I don't trust those guys.

Sleeping with blue lantern
Sleeping with blue lantern

Posted by JBB at 2:45 PM Labels: , ,