Monday, March 30, 2009


It's the combination of rage, betrayal, and emotional devastation that really gets me here. If he did this in a guest spot on Law & Order he'd be a shoo-in for an Emmy nomination.

Posted by JBB at 10:53 AM 0 comments Labels:

Sunday, March 29, 2009

Continuing yesterday's post, here are some more family photos taken in the park next to Annapolis harbor.

Grandma Barbara and Grandpa Alan with Max:
Max with Grandma Barbara and Grandpa Alan
Max with Grandma Barbara and Grandpa Alan
Nice bellybutton, kid.

Daughter-in-law, grandson, and grandma:
Grandma, Mom, and baby

Mom, Dad, and Max. Note how Max can't be bothered to actually, I dunno, look at the camera. Oh, to be a baby and not have to live by our society's petty social conventions.

Posted by JBB at 11:48 AM 0 comments Labels: ,

Saturday, March 28, 2009

While visiting my parents, we took a walk to downtown Annapolis, a town with a bunch of cute shops, big boats, and lots and lots of tourists. The Bumbleride Flyer stroller my folks got Max performed admirably. We ultimately stopped off at a little park at the end of the city dock, and got some great family photos.

Here are three generations of Bellack men:
3 generations

And the full suite of grandparents, parents, and Maxes:

In this latter photo Max's gaze askance reveals a precocious ennui that is rueful, nostalgic, and reminiscent of Proust at his most evocative. Or maybe he's just tired and peed his pants. That's the thing with babies, you just never know.

Posted by JBB at 2:15 PM 0 comments Labels: ,

Friday, March 27, 2009

I'm sorry to other parents out there, but my kid just might be cuter than your kid.
Max being particularly adorable
Max being painfully cute

Posted by JBB at 12:41 PM 0 comments Labels:

Here are some more photos from our visit to Annapolis. My mom did great with Max, getting down on the floor to play with him and giving him lots of high-quality holding and hugging. Here are some of the best photos from the visit.

And yes, that onesie says "What happens at Grandma's, stays at Grandmas". So sue me, it's cute.


hanging with grandma barbara



Max and Grandma Barbara share a moment
Grandma and Max are in conference.

Posted by JBB at 9:25 AM 0 comments Labels: ,

Thursday, March 26, 2009

My brother Adam and his girlfriend Marisa came up to Annapolis for dinner one night while Jen, Max, and I were visiting my parents. Here are some photos.

Max at the dining room table
"What do you mean, babies don't get dessert? I was specifically told there would be punch and pie."

Max with Uncle Adam
Max grows increasingly upset about the lack of infant dessert.

Max with Uncle Adam
Apparently my son turns into Gollum when he gets mad.

Max with Uncle Adam
Uncle Adam remains admirably level-headed.

Max with Uncle Adam and Marisa
Uncle Adam suggests that Max negotiate with Marisa. Things are looking up for babies.

Max with Uncle Adam and Marisa
Max and Marisa shake hands to conclude the 2009 Montclair-Washington Infant Dessert Treaty. Uncle Adam awaits the Nobel Prize for bringing both parties to the table.

(Video is here if you want to see it)

Posted by JBB at 1:00 PM 0 comments Labels: ,

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

This first picture might be my favorite one of Jen and Max together so far. All three are pretty damn cute.

Closeup on Max and Jen

Closeup on Max and Jen

Closeup on Max and Jen

Posted by JBB at 12:00 PM 0 comments Labels:

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

On our way back up to NYC, we stopped off to visit to my maternal grandmother, Max's Great-Grandma Bartlett. She lives in an assisted living community outside Dover, DE, so we try to visit whenever we're driving down to Annapolis. Max is her third great-grandchild -- my cousin Kathy has two boys of her own. It was a really nice visit, even though Max got super-cranky for some reason. I look forward to the next trip we take so Max can prove that he's not always a crankface, and show his Great-Grandma how much he's grown.

This first video is in HD. To see the HD version, look in the lower right corner of the video player -- make sure the "HD" is white not gray, and the click the far-right icon with four arrows to play the video in full-screen.

Big smiles all around:

Max with his Great-Grandma Bartlett
Max with his Great-Grandma Bartlett
Max with his Great-Grandma Bartlett

It was all fun and games until Max got cranky:

Max with his Great-Grandma Bartlett

Monday, March 23, 2009

Max rolled over from front to back! Technically, he did it on the 14th, when we were hanging out with Auntie Aimee. He was on his tummy for tummy time, rolled himself over, freaked out and peed his diaper and then started screaming.

Pretty hilarious.

Since we didn't get any shots of him flipping him self over and out, here are some of other tummy time experiences.

I feel like this one is like we caught him doing something he wasn't supposed to be doing:
what? I like the butterflies

he really started pushing himself up much higher in the last few weeks:
baby pushup

but he still digs on the mirror.
who's that in the mirror

Posted by jen at 11:31 PM 0 comments Labels: ,

A couple weeks ago we took a 4-day trip to visit Jonathan's parents in Annapolis, MD and some close friends from college who live in the Washington, DC suburbs. We also got to see Jonathan's brother and his girlfriend, and also Max's Great-Grandmother Bartlett.

The blog posts for all this excitement have been slow in coming because I got a new computer around the same time, and had to move files over. It also took me forever to figure out how to 1) rotate videos, and 2) share videos from my HD camcorder. (The videos we've posted to date are either from Jen's Flip or using the video mode of our Canon digital cameras.) The upshot is I have a huge backlog of photos and video to share and this post marks the beginning of getting back up to date on the trip and many other things besides. Brace yourselves.

To start the fun here are a couple shots from a rest stop we made on the drive down.

Beep beep!
Max kindly volunteered to drive a leg so Jen and I could nap.

What? Of COURSE I'm 17!
"What? Of COURSE I'm 17!"

"Oh, this is car has manual transmission? Hmm."

Mommy loves Max even though he can't drive stick.

Sunday, March 22, 2009

Max has really turned on the facial expressions lately. Mostly it's just smirks that totally make him look like his uncle Charlie and grampy Mr. Tom.

I think that with his pointy chin, big cheeks, triangle smile and half round eyes, when he smiles he looks like a Maurice Sendak character drawn anime style.

big smilehugging the monkey

giggly monkey

Why yes, that IS a monkey thinking about a banana on his shirt!

Saturday, March 21, 2009

Max doesn't spit up often, but when it does . . . well, see for yourself:
Puking! action shot!

I have no idea how I caught this, but I find it hilarious. Especially the fact that it's an actual stream.

Posted by jen at 11:24 PM 0 comments Labels: ,

Friday, March 20, 2009

now we have the standing!

But I cannot figure out how to make flickr rotate the video, so turn your head.

Posted by jen at 6:45 PM 0 comments Labels: ,

Thursday, March 19, 2009

this time with bonus hiccups!

Posted by jen at 8:32 PM 0 comments Labels: , ,

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Max's doing really well with the head control. While he doesn't always like tummy time, he really likes stitting up with support.

Posted by jen at 9:29 PM 0 comments Labels: ,

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

I seem to have collected a considerable amount of blackmail material in my time. Mostly in the form of incriminating photos, but that was before the advent of digital cameras with video capabilities.

And now it's Max's turn.

warning: naked baby ahead.

Posted by jen at 9:44 PM 0 comments Labels: , ,

Monday, March 16, 2009

and for once, it's not milo.
paparazzi shot

smiles and waves


Posted by jen at 11:04 PM 0 comments Labels: , ,

Max and friends at 15 weeks

I cannot believe this kid is nearly 4 months old already! Also, he really really loves that monkey. Like a lot.

Posted by jen at 10:45 PM 0 comments Labels: , ,

Sunday, March 15, 2009

A touch late...
Max and friends at 14 weeks
my but he looks pensive.

also, no pants.

It's papparazzi time for Maxes! Poor baby thought he was just getting ready to go grocery shopping, but then the papparazzi (aka Mom) came out of the woodwork to catch him in his snazzy outfit.

at first, he was all, "no pictures no pictures!"
no pictures, no pictures

then just a little dazed/sleepy:

but then the ducky saw the cameras. the ducky is SUCH a camera hog.

And finally, when the flashes came out, someone had to put an end to it. No flash photos! Didn't they hear the Patti LuPone rant? I mean, really.
no flash photos please

Posted by jen at 9:47 PM 0 comments Labels: ,

Saturday, March 14, 2009

I do love these photos...

baby face

close up
...but do they not also kind of look like the baby from 2001?

Posted by jen at 11:02 PM 0 comments Labels: ,