Saturday, November 21, 2009

Today is Max's first birthday! Go Max!

Max says "holy cow, I just realized that means I'm one year old! That is AMAZING!"

Friday, November 20, 2009

Flashback to early July -- my brother Adam came up to visit and we took Max out to the Bronx to visit his great-grandparents. Who also follow this blog, so they are finally seeing these photos too. Hi, Grandpa & Grandma!

Max with Jonathan's brother and grandparents

Thursday, November 19, 2009

Another flashback to our week at Cape Cod this past summer -- here are some cute shots of Max with Jen and her grandfather.

Jen with her grandfather and Max

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Here's an old set from late July -- I really like the energy of interaction here between Jen & Max, even though they a little blurry -- maybe it's the blurriness that makes them so dynamic.

Max and Jen, blurry but cute

Posted by JBB at 7:40 PM 0 comments

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

My brother Adam gave me this giant musical C-3PO Pez container last holiday season. It sat idly on our mantel for about 9 months, until I showed it to Max. Who knew that it would be, well, watch the video and see.

Monday, November 16, 2009

We were just down in Annapolis for my parents' 40th anniversary. Here are a couple shots of Max with his Grandma at the party, right before he went up to bed. He did great, schmoozed the guests and even went to sleep without a fuss despite 40 loud guests downstairs. Thanks, Max!

Max with Grandma Barbara and Jonathan

Saturday, November 14, 2009

From our week in Cape Cod this summer, here's an adorable set of photos of Max and Jen playing around in the comfy high chair and a SPOON!

Max, Jen, and spoon at the Cape
Max, Jen, and spoon at the Cape
Max, Jen, and spoon at the Cape
Max, Jen, and spoon at the Cape
Max, Jen, and spoon at the Cape
Max, Jen, and spoon at the Cape
Max, Jen, and spoon at the Cape
Max, Jen, and spoon at the Cape
Max, Jen, and spoon at the Cape

Posted by JBB at 10:54 AM 0 comments Labels: , ,

Friday, November 13, 2009

Two of my favorite people hanging out together in the comfy chair. (Max apparently thought it was a pants-optional occasion.)

Max hanging out with Mommy

Max hanging out with Mommy

Max hanging out with Mommy

Posted by JBB at 9:43 AM 0 comments Labels:

Thursday, November 12, 2009

Max went to a birthday party in September and came home with his first-ever helium balloon. He loved it, esp bouncing it back & forth. He only hit his head, umm, a whole lot (see video for proof).

Max's first balloon

Max's first balloon

Posted by JBB at 11:28 AM 0 comments Labels: ,

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

We recently attended the family reunion of Jen's mother's family in North Carolina. As part of the trip we visited Biltmore, apparently the largest house in America, on which one of the Vanderbilt grandchildren squandered his entire fortune. The place is insanely immense and involved a lot of stairs, so to get Max around we needed a non-stroller primary mechanism. The cool thing about our Beco baby carrier is that it's not just a front-loader but can be swung around to go on the back. Hence these various shots of Max doing the Yoda thing on Jen's back. (We tried it on me first but apparently I'm too big so Max had trouble seeing around me at the crazy giant house and got cranky.)

Oh, wait, that's not Max. let's try that again...

Biltmore is really big:
Max and Jen at Biltmore

With lots of stairs...
Max and Jen at Biltmore

Max did good though.
Max and Jen at Biltmore

Surveying the scene with a dispassionate eye:
Max and Jen at Biltmore

...and deciding he is pleased. I swear, at this point he can whip out this insanely cute expression out any time he wants it.
Max and Jen at Biltmore

Reaching out for Daddy:
Max and Jen at Biltmore

And generally just happy to be part of the team. (This is after we put up the head covering part of the carrier to A) not burn his bald little scalp in the bright sun, and B) help him doze off as he was getting pretty tired by this point):
Max and Jen at Biltmore

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

We started giving Max a sippy cup of water as part of his in-car traveling paraphernalia. As you can see from this picture, he's taken quite a shine to it. As in "mine mine it's all mine!"

Max sleeps with a loaded sippy cup at his side

Monday, November 9, 2009

still at the cape! How cute is his expression here?
Max and friends at 35 weeks

Sunday, November 8, 2009

note the change of chair--this was taken when we were on vacation in Cape Cod this past august.
Max and friends at 34 weeks

Saturday, November 7, 2009

Max and friends at 33 weeks
note the avengers tee!

Posted by jen at 8:39 PM 0 comments Labels: ,

Remember back when we posted about Max's first visit to the beach? Here's more of that! This is at Kingsbury Beach, which is the bay beach that we can walk to from the Gathering Place
max at kingsbury beach

There was lots of sand eating. because sand apparently = tasty.
max at kingsbury beach
did I not mention it's INTENSE sand eating? Blue steel!

Later on in the vacation, we went down to First Encounter beach, and down to the inlet where the water was a bit warmer (though the air was still pretty damn windy), for still more sand eating.
max at kingsbury beach
this time, he's accessorizing with a jaunty sun hat!

then Jonathan took the munchkin into the water
swimming in the inlet at First Encounter

swimming in the inlet at First Encounter

We also went swimming in Great Pond a lot, but I didn't take any pictures of that because oh wait, I was swimming. Max still decided that he liked swimming in the bay best, because he could dip his hand in the water and lick it off. Oy.

Friday, November 6, 2009

Max and friends at 32 weeks

Max and friends at 32 weeks

Max and friends at 32 weeks

Posted by jen at 8:38 PM 0 comments Labels: ,

Up at the Cape house, Max and his great grampy had some bonding time. They both had an affinity for head bonking, Max's favorite way of showing affection (headbutting you and giggling).

max and his great-grampy at the cape

max and his great-grampy at the cape

max and his great-grampy at the cape

max and his great-grampy at the cape

and that's my dad getting in on the Max action
max and his great-grampy at the cape

Max is doubtful of whatever it is Dad said (rightfully so kiddo)
max and his great-grampy at the cape

Here, Max and his supercute madras overalls and Grampy decide that the sun is overrated
grampy and max at the cape

grampy and max at the cape

grampy and max at the cape

grampy and max at the cape