Monday, January 5, 2009

Max had his second doctor appointment today -- Jen took him because I was working from home sick (I've had a nasty head cold/flu for a few days). Anyway, the little guy is doing well -- he is up to 10 pounds 7 ounces and 21 3/4 inches long. Since I am an uncontrollable geek I've put his growth stats into a Google spreadsheet, which you can view yourself if you're interested. Here's the happy fun chart.

The doctor also said his head strength is "impressive" -- Max can already hold his head steady, lift it off the ground, and turn side to side.

(And thanks to the random MySpace dude from whom I ripped off this photo courtesy of Google Image Search.)

Also, Max has an umbilical hernia. This is not a big deal -- it just means that his abdominal muscles have a little weak spot that causes his belly button to bulge out, especially when he cries. It is nothing to worry about and generally heals itself up by age 1 to 3. Apparently this is where outie belly buttons tend to come from (they heal up in the sticky-out position).

And as a reward for those of you who bothered to read to the end, here are two photos of Jen and I hiding behind Max. I bet you can't tell where we are. We are ninja sneaky like that.

IMG_0138 Max in overalls!

Posted by JBB at 9:27 PM Labels: ,


  1. Yes, yes, but what are his percentiles? YOU HAVE TO GET A DIPTET!

    Seriously, way to grow, Max!

  1. well, you know he's an angel straight from heeeaven!

  1. How sad am I that the diptet doesn't exist anymore? I was so looking forward to saying it all the time in the ped's office.