Sunday, December 28, 2008
Max got his first Christmas present -- some squeaky sea creature bath toys. To me this is definitive proof of Santa Claus, because if the presents were just coming from Jen and I, why would we bother wrapping Max's and writing 'from Santa' on it, since he isn't old enough to read or understand it? Clearly the gift must really have come from Santa, who is an all-ages gifter. At least this seems to confirm Rousseau's Theory of Natural Man, i.e. that everybody is born on the nice list, and it is society that makes us naughty.
Max also proved that he his real according the the U.S. Postal Service by getting his first mail -- a card from Grandma Alan and Grandma Barbara (aka my parents) -- thanks!
Presents under the tree. We were pretty busy this year so only got a small tree. Fun fact -- when you want to buy a small tree at the last minute, how do the tree people make it happen? By selling you a normal-sized tree and cutting it in half.
After we opened presents, we went over to Jen's parents' place to see them and Uncle Charlie and Aunt Sharren and open more presents. My parents live in Annapolis, MD, and we aren't real comfortable making a long trip with Max yet, so we'll be seeing them soon the next time they come up to NYC. Here are some pictures of Max with Jen's family.
Jen's mom Karen with Devil Child Max. To be precise these two were taken the night before Christmas at Charlie & Sharren's house -- they host a regular thing that night each year.

Jen's brother chatting with Max:

And for your moment of Zen, here is Max clearly enthralled by the greatest holiday gift of them all, Shamwow:

Yes, Shamwow. Don't hate.

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