Sunday, December 21, 2008
Wow, today is Max's one month birthday! Even Max is excited. He celebrated with his favorite meal of milk, milk, and milk, and we took him to his favorite places -- Mom, Dad, and sleepytime.
So what's new since last week? I went back to work, which correlated pretty directly with a reduction in the frequency of my posts. The next two weeks are Christmas and New Year's, though, so there will be plenty to update.
The first week back was a bit rough, though apparently par for the course with a baby. Jen and I worked it out that I did a late booster feeding so Jen can get some uninterrupted sleep in the late evening/early night, and then Jen would take Max overnight so I can get 5 or so hours of sleep before getting up at around 6am to get to work by about 8am. Max wasn't totally into this plan, though -- one night he got up literally every hour, then another night he slept while I was on duty and then was wide awake for two hours straight as soon as I handed him off. But we got by and hopefully as he gets bigger his sleeping will get a bit more regular.
Meanwhile Jen has been doing a great job holding down the fort while I am at work, such as clipping Max's tiny, razor-sharp fingernails. Max even scratched his own face with the little buggers, it's like he was born with bird-like talons.Max himself is doing great and has been growing like gangbusters. He's already outgrown almost all of his newborn-size clothes and is into a bunch of new 0-3 month stuff, including real honest-to-god Osh Kosh B'Gosh overalls! Man, I have fond memories of these things -- really, why don't they make them in adult sizes? Oh, right, they'd make me look like Mr. Green Jeans from Captain Kangaroo. Nevermind. (Then again, I did love Captain Kangaroo as a kid. Hmm...)
Anyway, Max's are still a bit large on him but he'll be overalled up for good soon enough. Here's a photo of them, and a neat holiday onesie from Old Navy:
Max is staying awake and very alert for longer periods of time. He's got much more neck strength now and can hold his head steady for short periods of time. He's been hanging out on a play mat sometimes, and also likes it when I hold him outward so we can walk around the house together and I can show him things. He is also pretty well-behaved in the carseat and stroller, which is nice. This being the gift-buying season, our little consumer has already gone with us to such local landmarks as Frederic Goodman Jewelers, Chef Central, Buy Buy Baby, Garden State Plaza, Best Buy, and Bed Bath and Beyond. At least he doesn't have his own credit card yet.
All in all, the Max republic remains strong. Stay tuned for more.
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