Thursday, November 5, 2009

Back in August, we all went on a vacation to Cape Cod, where my grandfather and father's family have spent summers for years. Max had a pretty good time on his trip, hanging out in the Gathering Place's kitchen, flinging around his new favorite toy (courtesy Paige and Luke: soda bottle filled partway with rice). GENIUS.

max, chilling in the high chair at the cape

max, chilling in the high chair at the cape

also, he kind of liked just hanging out in the chair
max, chilling in the high chair at the cape

max, chilling in the high chair at the cape

and looking a little dazed
max, chilling in the high chair at the cape

His greatgrampy also taught him how do blow raspberries, or, as great grampy calls 'em, Bronx Cheers.

And of course, there was some dancing with Miz Karen