Friday, October 30, 2009

Max huh what?

Posted by JBB at 9:42 AM 0 comments Labels: ,

Thursday, October 29, 2009

look at that grin!
sweet smiley boy

ooh! a kitty!
surprise, a kitty!

I will go get it!
crawling, kinda

but wait, what's this? TOY!

oh man, toys are hilarious!
heh heh you, are hilarious.

there's a lot of concentrating involved in being adorable.

cute cheeks

but you can't forget the cheeks.

and the plaintive baby looks help too

I swear, sometimes this boy looks like a doll


checking out the ikea nightlight

Posted by jen at 7:17 AM 0 comments Labels: , ,

milk onesie

but milk is your best food!

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

hey, check it! I'm about to crawl!
almost crawling


Come on! It's cool! I'm still flopping around doing the worm or the butterfly stroke on dry land, but still!

No seriously! O. M. G.!
seriously, OMG!

oops. I fell.
aww cute pie


(and once again... Rocket! I'm taking a rocket!...)

but always nomming

what, I'm nomming here

Posted by jen at 12:01 AM 0 comments Labels: , ,

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

this is one of my most favorite pics ever:
Max and friends at 29 weeks

his shark hat/hood is so jaunty!

max and friends at 29 weeks

Posted by jen at 11:52 PM 0 comments Labels: ,

man, this kid kills with the expressions.
befuddled, with eyebrows

Posted by jen at 3:51 PM 0 comments Labels: , ,

Monday, October 26, 2009

and me being a total dork.
cute baby sharks

but hey, Max broke out his own blue steel!
why hello shark baby

me = smirky, Max = Le Tigre?
mom is smirky, baby looks haughty

regardless, the kiddo and proved that he is indeed, the cutest lil baby blue shark ever
cutest shark evah

did I mention I am a dork?
tubby time

oh wait, it gets worse.
oh no! a baby shark!

oh no! a baby shark killing me with the cute! But then I am saved by the fascination of the camera strap.
oooh camera strap...

post-bathtime when Max is an especially cute sharky baby
arty sharky

chubby cheeks

and this is what happens when max decides he wants to EAT CAMERA NOW!
lemme have the camera

Posted by jen at 1:36 PM 0 comments Labels: , , ,

Sunday, October 25, 2009

back in June (yes, I know, we're backlogged), Luke the baby and his parents Paige and Paul came out to Montclair to play on the superfabulous playground with the squishy ground.

A good time was had by all, despite the heat. Plus, Luke was so adorable in his toddler obsession with a) puppy and b) ball. Sadly, I have no pictures of Luke calling "puppy puppy puppy" softly in the stroller. But I do have pics of Luke and Paul finding a ball, or rather...

luke and paul and BALL!

Ah, ball. Also, Jonathan and Max in the background
luke and BALL!

Max went on the swings
dad and max

max and dad on swings

look at those arm rolls! I want to eat him up.
max on swings

and was a tall baby
tall baby

who nommed on Jonathan's hat
I will nom this hat

holy crap!

Let's go do fun stuff!
hey, let's go do fun stuff

Also! Did you see I'm standing, kinda, with some help?
more standing

Oh hey, did you see my foot? I totally have a foot.
standing up (with help)

Saturday, October 24, 2009

"wha? Hey, mommy. I so didn't see you there. I'm not doing anything. Not touching the video games at all, why do you ask?"

Why do I get the feeling I'll be seeing this look a lot?

that's 7 months!
max and friends at 28 weeks

max and friends at 28 weeks

Also, this rocket tee totally makes me sing the theme song to Astronaut Jones. "rocket! I'm taking a rocket... I'm packing my suitcase! Look out moon!"
